I'm hiring talent

We secure top talent fast.

We back ourselves!

To demonstrate our commitment to providing superior service, we offer you our Embark Guarantee.
If a candidate is hired and then leaves within three months, we will replace the candidate at no charge.

Our approach delivers quality candidates fast:

Gainfully employed, successful executives are unlikely to have the time or inclination to be reviewing job ads. So, Embark Recruitment invests significant time and resources into search assignments. As a result, we conduct business primarily on an Exclusive Basis where we are contracted as the sole agency to work on the role.

Benefits of Exclusive Search:

  • Speed: We commit to a timeline and dedicate resources to place a top performer quickly.
  • Get the best candidate: Exclusivity allows us the means to generously allocate researchers and resources to headhunt targeted candidates often from your competitors or aligned industries.
  • Saves you time and effort: Deal with only one agency and avoid replicating briefings and work.
  • Impartial process: All qualified candidates are compared against one another by one agency, enabling a quality shortlist and the best possible mechanism for choosing top candidates.
  • Good fit: We will meet with you to augment the job specification and understand your culture.

Contingency Search:

  • In a bid to win new business, we know that nothing proves the value of our service more than doing it. Therefore, we are prepared to accept select multiple-agency roles to establish our credibility with you.
  • Most agencies working on contingency run generic advertising and funnel the best CVs of the applicants that happen to be available. Often, these are not the best candidates. In contrast, we will continue to focus on head hunting.
  • Overall, the Exclusive Search is still recommended.

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